Dear Customers! We present to your attention a monthly report on the construction progress of the multifunctional complex INTERGAL CITY.
- On tower "A" assembly work of the vertical elements of the 22nd floor is being carried out.
- On tower "B" assembly work of the vertical elements of the 11th floor is being carried out.
- On tower "V", works on the installation of internal engineering networks, as well as work on the construction of the roof are being carried out.
- At tower "G", work in progrress on the installation of aluminum window structures and the installation of hinged ventilated facades of 9-16 floors. Bricklaying works are being carried out on the floors 12-16. Facade lighting works have begun.
- On the tower "D" vertical elements of the 3rd floor are made.
Works on the construction of the stylobate are in progress.