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Dynamics of construction as of 01.02.2022

Dynamics of construction as of 01.02.2022

Dear customers!

For your attention the dynamics of construction as of 01.02.2022:

At the tower "A" work on brickwork of walls and arrangement of openings for service of the building proceeds. Work continues on the installation of fortifications to service the facade of the building (17%), as well as metal structures of the upper floors (64%).

At the tower "B" work on brickwork of walls, works on installation of hinged ventilated facades (45%) and installation of a roof (56%) proceeds. Work has begun on the installation of metal structures on the upper floors. 87% of aluminum window constructions have already been installed. Also, at the final stage of work is the installation of openings for the maintenance of the building (91%).

At the tower "V" work on the roof is underway. Work on lighting the facade (56%) and work on the installation of air conditioning and ventilation continues. Laying of internal communications (31%) and work on installation of fortifications for maintenance of the facade of the building (93%) continue.

At the tower "G" installation of hinged ventilated facades (89%) is being completed. Work on the lighting of the facade continues, more than 83% of the work has already been done. The installation of metal structures on the upper floors has begun. The installation of fortifications to service the facade of the building is nearing completion (86%).

At the tower "D" the installation works of the vertical elements of the 21st floor have been completed. Work has begun on the installation of hinged ventilated facades.

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